Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jill Starr Testifies Senator John Mc Cain KLA Supporter Ignores Her Pleas For Help in America Numerous Times(?)

I, JIll Starr, contacted Senator Mc Cain’s Senatorial Headquarters numerous times in Washington DC about the abuses, torture and discrimination I experienced right here in America and he just ignored me.

As a former POW and torture victim does that surprise anyone else (?)

Jill Starr

PS: I hear his offices supported the KLA so it is not surprising as first though!

It seems the evidence is mounting against ALL KLA supporters (Clinton, Hillary, Lieberman, McCain) they all ignore legal appeals from Jill Starr for help!

Jill Star calls for all of them to resign their governmental posts immediately, and will continue applying international pressure until they grant her an immediate financial settlement for her abuses in America so she can prevent it from happening to others and help herself!
Tags: senator john mccain, jill starr, kla, torture
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Jill Starr
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Jill Starr members.fortunecity... (Who am I?) few seconds ago
bloomingdale, United States
John McCain armed the KLA, Politika ^

Posted on Monday, March 03, 2008 5:30:57 PM by kronos77

“He did everything that we asked of him, including arming the KLA”, said Albanian lobbyist Joe DioGuardi. The Albanians collected one million dollars for the presidential campaign of this senator.

Americans of Albanian heritage collected a million dollars in one evening for the presidential campaign of Republican Senator John McCain, said the Albanian American Civic League yesterday, the lobby group headed by former Congressman Joe DioGuardi. A reception for McCain was held January 22 at the Saint Regis Hotel in Manhatten, and the senator, who is now leading in the runoff for the Republican party candidacy in the November elections, cut his campaign in Florida by one day to attend this gathering.

“Even in 1998 when we had problems with Milosevic, McCain did everything that we asked of him to the benefit of the Albanian people, including arming the KLA”, announced DioGuardi. “We are American Albanians and we need a leader who will strengthen this country… We must support John McCain because he did everything we asked of him for Kosovo, from supporting the Kosovo Liberation Army to supporting the independence of Kosovo. Two years ago he spoke in Brussels and said that independence is the only solution”, concluded this former congressman who has been fighting for the independence of Kosovo and Metohija for more than twenty years.

He explained that the first thing McCain said to him when he entered the hotel in Manhattan on January 22: “Joe, I saw your people in Michigan, and in South Carolina and in New Hampshire”, from which this lobbyist deduced that all Americans of Albanian background will be voting for the senator from Arizona.

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